“EASY360° ” Documentation by FWDesign - v1.0
Thank you for purchasing our script. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our email. Thanks so much!
Table of Contents
- Important notes read this before anything else.
- Preparing images.
- How to install the gallery into your html page.
- Adding/removing images.
- Constructor parameters.
- Setting up the info window.
- How to setup the markers/hotspots.
- API.
- Sources and Credits
A) Important notes make sure you read this! - top
Please note that the viewer installation and configuration is not complicated but because it has a lot of customizable settings it might seem complicated, please go through the entire documentation before trying to install it into your own page. Basically what it must be done is to copy some html code from the examples we provided and paste it into your own html page and of course replace the images with your own.
The server is character case sensitive so make sure that the viewer settings are identical to those from the provided examples.
Before reading forward you should understand how this viewer works. This viewer enables you to create a 360° product viewer application by inserting an unlimited number of images from different angles of a 2D or 3D product. As you will read installing the viewer into your html page is straight forward and relative simple. The viewer is using <ul> and <li> html elements as the base for the skin, playlist and markers, this way if you like you can generate the content with php or asp from a database.
B) Preparing images. - top
The viewer is using a sequence of images from different angles of the product (how to create the images is beyond the scope of this documentation, in our case our designer created the 3d models in 3dstudiomax and then the images were exported as .jpg).
The viewer requires a default image (the smallest image), a large image (the image which will appear when the script is zoomed, this is optional) and small images for the navigator (this is optional). In our test we noticed that it works great with images with a size equal or smaller then 2000px in width or height, so keep this in mind because it is an important aspect.
Please note that the viewer can display only the smallest images so the large images which appears on zoom or the navigator images are optional (in order to disable the large and navigator images some parameters must be set, please read the constructor parameters , check the showLargeImageVersionOnZoom and showNavigator options).
Another important aspect is the total number of images that you want to rotate, the more images you add the smoother the rotation will be but also the loading time will be greater, in our examples we are using forty images and it looks great.
As a tutorial about creating the images try something as follows, export the large images at a width or height smaller than 2000px (you can go higher but it is not recommended), once the large images are available save a version of the small images from the large images (between 30% and 50% of the large image size). The navigator images can be saved between 10% and 20% of the large image size). Please note that we can't give you an exact size because the images may differ based on your project.
After the images are created they must be added into the viewer playlist, check the adding/removing images, and also how to install the gallery into your html page. Also the small image width and height must be added into the constructor by setting the imageWidth and imageHeight options.
If setting up the images size is confusing then you can use our sizes as follows:
- Small image version: width - 720px, height:411px
- Large image version: width - 1440px, height:822px
- Navigator image version: width - 220px, height:126px
C) How to install the gallery into your html page. - top
This is a small tutorial about how to install the viewer into your page. There are three types of display for this viewer, responsive/fixed, fullscreen and lightbox. The responsive/fixed display type allows the viewer to be embedded into a html page inside a div of your choosing, the viewer will adapt its width and height based on the div which acts as its parent, if the page is resized and the parent div is resized with css or javascript the viewer will adapt its size. The fullscreen display type will display the viewer in fullscreen mode, this means that the viewer will fill the available browser width and height. The lightbox display will open the viewer into a lightbox over the content of the page.
Installing the viewer with a responsive or fixed display:
In the download files there are five .html files which are ending with _responsive_or_fixed.html, each of this examples have exactly the same structure, only some constructor settings, css classes, skin and images are different, you can use one of them to copy and paste the needed html code based on skin that you need, I will use the skin_round_silver_responsive_or_fixed.html the one with the 3d camera as reference but any of the .html files which are ending with _responsive_or_fixed.html will work fine. Also what is important to note is that each .html file has associated a folder which contains the images, skin and a global css file which is used for customizing the markers/hotspots, the folder name is related to the .html file name it is self explanatory.
- Copy and paste the skin_round_silver folder and the java folder into the same folder with your .html file, inside the skin_round_silver folder there are other folders which are self explanatory, the easiest way to add images is just to replace the images that we are using, don't forget to set the image imageWidth and imageHeight options into the viewer constructor (constructor parameters), this is really important.
- Open skin_round_silver_responsive_or_fixed.html with a text editor.
- The javascript and css files must be imported, in the head section of your html file add the code from the below image.
- You need a div into which the viewer will be added as a child, so create a div and set an id for it, the id is important because it is passed in the viewer constructor, make sure it is unique. The viewer is responsive so if you set a width or height of 600px to the created div the viewer will adapt based on that, please note that I have used inline css to set the width and height of the div but you set the div size with a css class or javascript, example in the image below.
- Next step is to copy and paste in the body of your html page the div with the id viewerPlaylistAndSkin, the id is important because it is passed in the viewer constructor. This div contains four extra ul tags with specific attributes which are explained below. Below there is an image to ilustrate the div structure, please note that the div is minified this way it can be better obeserved, to view it in full mode look at the .html file which we are using as a reference.
- The first ul tag the one with the attribute data-skin represents the settings for the viewer skin, this ul tag contains a series of li tags with specific attributes which are needed to load the viewer skin.
- The second ul tag, the one with the attribute data-info represents the html content for the info window, this window appears when the info button is pressed, if you don't need the info window delete this ul tag but make sure to remove the info label from the buttons option in the viewer constructor as well (constructor parameters).
- The third ul tag the one with the attribute data-markers is used to setup the markers/hotspots, please read the how to setup the markers/hotspots section, if you don't need markers/hotspots then delete this tag.
- The fourth ul tag represents the viewer playlist, it is used to add images and markers please read the adding/removing images section.
- Next step is to initialize the viewer with javascript, in the head section of your html page add the code from the below image. Please note that all parameters are described in the constructor parameters section
- This are all the step needed to setup the viewer, again all this code is located in any of the five .html files which are ending with _responsive_or_fixed.html so you can copy and paste the code easily without errors. Please make sure to read the constructor parameters section to understand all the viewer properties.
Installing the viewer with a fullscreen display:
- Follow the exact same steps as in the "Intalling the viewer with a responsive or fixed display" section, the only difference is that there is no need to create a div as a holder for the viewer and in the viewer constructor the displayType must be set to fullscreen like this displayType:"fullscreen". Please note that there are five .html files included as reference, their labels are ending with _fullscreen.html, if you like you can just use one of this .html files and replace the images.
Installing the viewer with a lightbox display:
- Follow the exact same steps as in the "Intalling the viewer with a responsive or fixed display" section, the only difference is that there is no need to create a div as a holder for the viewer and in the viewer constructor the displayType must be set to lightbox like this displayType:"lightbox" also the constructor is a bit different, instead of instantiating the viewer when the page loads it is instantiated when a button is pressed (it does not have to be a button it can be any html element, like an image or a link). Please note that there are five .html files included as reference, their labels are ending with _lightbox.html. Please open any of the related .html files and check out the installation code.
D) Constructor parameters. - top
Please open any of the .html files provided with a text editor as reference.
These parameters represents the possible setting for the viewer they are all visible in the below image and described below.
- divHolderId:"myDiv" - the div id into which the viewer will be added, please note that this is required only if displayType is set to responsive.
- playListAndSkinId:"viewerPlaylistAndSkin" - the id of the div element used as the playlist, skin and markers, this div will contain four ul tags used to setup the viewer playlist, info window, markers and skin.
- displayType:"responsive" - the viewer display type, it can be responsive(please note that if you want it to be fixed size this option must be set to responsive as well), fullscreen or lightbox.
- preloaderText:"Loading images" - the text which appears while the images are loading.
- startDraggingMode:"rotate" - this can be rotate or pan, if it is set to rotate then the default action is to rotate the image otherwise if set to pan the the default action will be pan the image.
- showLargeImageVersionOnZoom:"yes" - this can be yes or no. If you need the large version of the images then set this option to yes otherwise set it to no, of course if this option is set to yes the larger version of the images is required. The large version of the image will load only when the viewer is zoomed and the current scale is larger then one.
- useEntireScreenFor3dObject:yes - this can be yes or no, if is set to yes the images will use the entire available screen, if is set to no the images will use the entire screen width and the entire screen height minus the buttons control bar height, this option is usually set to no.
- stopRotationAtEnds:yes - limit the rotation to the first or last image.
- addCorrectionForWebKit:yes - this can be yes or no, there is a bug on chrome which on some graphics card while using css3 at the edge of the current displayed image there are some wired artifacts, this option is fixing that issue but it consume some extra GPU performance so is up to you if you enable it or not.
- addDragAndSpinSupport:yes - this can be yes or no, enable or disable the drag and spin feature.
- startAtImage:0 - this can be a number between 0 and the total number of images which are displayed, basically once all images are loaded the viewer can start at a specified image it does not have to be the first one.
- imageWidth:720 - the small image width, this number is really important so make sure you are adding it correctly.
- imageHeight:720 - the small image height, this number is really important so make sure you are adding it correctly.
- zoomFactor:2 - the zoom factor, what this number does is to limit the image zoom for example if you have a small image with a width of 500px and you want it to be zoomed at a maximum of 1000px then set this number to 2, if you want it to zoom to a maximum of 1500px set this number to 3 and so on...
- dragRotationSpeed:.7 -a number from .1 to 1 which represents the rotation speed while dragging the image with the mouse of the finger, .1 is slowest possible value, and 1 is the highest possible value.
- dragAndSpinSpeed:.8 - A number between 0.1 and 1, represents the drag and spin sensitivity, this number can vary based on the project and total number of images.
- buttonsRotationSpeed:300 - an integer representing the interval in milliseconds between images while they are rotating while the right or left button is pressed and held.
- slideShowDelay:300 - an integer representing the interval in milliseconds between images while they are rotating while the slideshow is running (the play button is pressed).
- backgroundColor:"#222222" - the viewer main background color.
- preloaderFontColor:"#000000" - the preloader font color.
- preloaderBackgroundColor:"#000000" - the preloader background color.
//----lightbox (this is only required if the viewer is used with a lightbox display type) ----//
- lightBoxWidth:800 - the lightbox width in pixels, if the browser width is smaller then the lightBoxWidth, this option will be ignored and the lightbox width will be set to the browser current width.
- lightBoxHeight:550 - the lightbox height in pixels, if the browser height is smaller then the lightBoxHeight, this option will be ignored and the lightbox height will be set to the browser current height.
- lightBoxBackgroundOpacity:.8 - a number between 0 and 1 which represents the lightbox main background opacity.
- lightBoxBackgroundColor:#FFFFFF - the lightbox background color.
//----controller (the buttons bar) ----//
- buttons:"rotate, pan, roteteleft, rotateright, scrollbar, play, info, link, fullscreen" - this options represents the buttons from the buttons bar, they are separated by ",". The buttons are displayed in the order in which they are listed here so you can switch the order of the buttons by modifying the list order. If you don't need a button just remove it from the list, for example to display only the rotate and pan buttons set this option like this: buttons:"rotate, pan". Please note that at least one button is required.
- buttonsToolTips:"Rotate, Move/Pan, Rotate left, Rotate right, Zoom level: , Play/Pause, Info, Custom link, Full screen/Normal screen" - this options represents the buttons bar tooltips they are separated by ",". Each tooltip is related to a button so the order of tooltips must be the same with the order of buttons from the buttons option explained above, there are some buttons which requires two tootltip states like the fullscreen button, in this case the tooltip string is separated by "/" for example the fullscreen tooltip is formatted like this: "Full screen/Normal screen". If you don't want to use the tooltips leave this option balnk like this: buttonsToolTips:"".
- controllerPosition:"bottom" - this options represents the buttons bar position, it can be top or bottom.
- inverseNextAndPrevRotation:"yes" - it can be yes or no, this options will inverse the functionality of the right and left buttons.
- addKeyboardSupport:"yes" - it can be yes or no, add keyboard support for the next and prev buttons.
- slideShowAutoPlay:yes - this can be yes or no, enable or disable the slideshow autoplay.
- startSpaceBetweenButtons:10 - the space in pixels between the beginning of the buttons bar and the first button and the end of the buttons bar and the last button.
- spaceBetweenButtons:10 - the space in pixels between buttons.
- startSpaceForScrollBarButtons:10 - the space in pixels between the beginning of the a normal button and the zoom in or zoom out button.
- startSpaceForScrollBar:10 - the space in pixels between the zoom in or zoom out button adn the zoom scrollbar.
- startSpaceForScrollBar:10 - the space in pixels between the zoom in or zoom out button adn the zoom scrollbar.
- hideControllerDelay:3 - the delay in seconds until the buttons bar will hide after a period of inactivity.
- controllerMaxWidth:900 - the buttons bar allowed maximum width in pixels, for example if you want the buttons bar to expand to the maximum available width set it to a high number like 3000 pixels.
- controllerBackgroundOpacity:1 - an integer from 0 to 1 representing the buttons bar opacity.
- controllerOffsetY:10 - the offset in pixels on the y axis for the buttons bar, this mean that if you want to push down or up the buttons bar you can do it by modifying this number.
- scrollBarOffsetX:10 -the offset in pixels on the x axis for the scrollbar and zoom buttons, this is useful if you want to push the scrollbar to the left or right a few pixels.
- scrollBarHandlerToolTipOffsetY:10 -the offset in pixels on the y axis for the scrollbar handler tooltips.
- zoomInAndOutToolTipOffsetY:10 -the offset in pixels on the y axis for the zoom buttons tooltips.
- buttonsToolTipOffsetY:10 -the offset in pixels on the y axis for the main buttons tooltips.
- link:"http://www.google.com" - this represents the link to open when the info button is pressed.
- buttonToolTipFontColor:"#FFFFFF" - the tool tip text color.
//----navigator (the small window that appears when the viewer is zoomed to help panning the image) ----//
- showNavigator:"yes" - this can be yes or no, disable or enable the navigator, if this option is set to no then the navigator images are not required.
- navigatorPosition:"topright" - this can be topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft, represents the navigator position on screeen.
- navigatorOffsetX:6 - a number representing the an offset in pixels for the navigator on the x axis (think of it like margins left or right).
- navigatorOffsetY:6 - a number representing the an offset in pixels for the navigator on the y axis. (think of it like margins top or bottom)
- navigatorHandlerColor::"#FF0000" - the navigator handler color.
- navigatorBorderColor::"#FF0000" - the navigator border/stroke color.
//----info window----//
- infoWindowBackgroundOpacity:".6 - a number from 0 to 1 which represents the opacity for the info window background opacity.
- infoWindowBackgroundColor:""#FFFFFF" - the background color for the info window.
- infoWindowScrollBarColor:""#FFFFFF" - the color for the info window scrollbar.
- showMarkersInfo:"no"- this can be yes or no, it is a helper tool for positioning the markers/hotspots.
- markerToolTipOffsetY:10 - an offset in pixels on the y axis for the markers tooltips, this will push down or up the markers tooltip or tooltip window.
- toolTipWindowMaxWidth:300 - a number in pixels which controls the maximum width possible for a tooltip window.
//----context menu (this appears when the right click mouse button is pressed)----//
- showScriptDeveloper:"yes"- this can be yes or no, it will add an extra entry in the context menu with a link to our site, if this does not bother you please leave it active it will help us with our work.
- contextMenuLabels:"Rotate, Move/Pan, Previous slide, Next slide, Zoom in/Zoom out, Play/Pause, Info, Custom link, Full screen/Normal screen" - this options represents the context menu items they are separated by ",". Each item is related to a main button so the order must be the same with the order of buttons from the buttons option explained above, there are some items which requires two states like the fullscreen item, in this case the string is separated by "/" for example the fullscreen item is formatted like this: "Full screen/Normal screen". If you don't want to use the context menu leave this option balnk like this: contextMenuLabels:"".
- contextMenuBackgroundColor:"#FFFFFF" - the context menu background color.
- contextMenuBorderColor:"#FFFFFF" - the context menu border color.
- contextMenuSpacerColor:"#FFFFFF" - the context menu spacer color, the line which separates the context menu items.
- contextMenuItemNormalColor:"#FFFFFF" - the color for the a context menu item on normal state.
- contextMenuItemSelectedColor:"#FFFFFF" - the color for the a context menu item on selected state.
- contextMenuItemDisabledColor:"#FFFFFF" - the color for the a context menu item on disabled state.
Adding/removing images. - top
Please open any of the .html files provided with a text editor as reference.
Adding an image is easy, all you need to do is to copy and paste inside the viewer playlist (the ul tag with the attribute data-playlist) some li tags which represents the images path, this tags have some specific data attributes to identify the correct li tag, it is best to view the image below it will make more sense. As you can see each li tag has a specific data attribute which is self explanatory. Don't forget to set the image imageWidth and imageHeight options into the viewer constructor (constructor parameters), this is really important.
The first li tag, the one with the attribute data-small-image-path it is required and it represents the path of the default image (the small image) which will appear on each rotation before the large image (the image which will load and display on zoom).
The second li tag, the one with the attribute data-large-image-path it is optional and it represents the path of the the large image (the image which will load and display on zoom), this image will display if the current image scale is larger then 1, this makes sense because for example if you have an image with an original 1000px width and its width after zooming is 2000px then the current image scale will be 2. If you don't need the large image version then set the showLargeImageVersionOnZoom:"no" (please read the constructor parameters section), also there is no need to add the li tag with the attribute data-large-image-path into the playlist, you can add it if you like but it will be ignored.
The third li tag, the one with the attribute data-navigator-image-path it is optional and it represents the path of the the navigator image (the smallest image). If you don't need the navigator then set the showNavigator:"no" (please read the constructor parameters section), also there is no need to add this li tag into the playlist, you can add it if you like but it will be ignored.
To remove an image just delete the ul tag (the ul tag similar with the one from the above image).
Please note that the images are displayed in the order in which they are added into the viewer playlist.
Setting up the info window. - top
To add html content to the info window replace the html content inside the ul with the attribute data-info, if there is too much text a scrollbar will appear. If you don't need the info window delete the ul tag with the attribute data-info and also inside the viewer constructor remove the info label from the buttons option (please read the constructor parameters section). Of course this window can have its html content formatted with CSS, we are using the global.css file to style this window.
How to setup the markers/hotspots. - top
Open with a text editor any of the provided .html files for reference this way the code can be copied and paste
There are three type of markers/hotspots: link, tooltip and infowindow, they are explained below, they are created visually using two images, one for the normal state and one for the selected state when the mouse is over it, also the image size and shape can be any kind.
- The link marker type once is clicked or pressed a new browser window will open, the link and target can be specified.
- The tooltip marker type once is rolled over with the mouse or or touched on mobile a popup window will appear, this window can contain any type of html content but be careful not to add too much text, it is useful if you want to show a small chunk of html content. Please note that the elements which this window contains can be styled with css.
- The infowindow marker type once is clicked or or touched a window will appear over the viewer, this window can contain any type and any amount of html content (this window is exactly the same as the info window which appears when the info button is pressed). Please note that the html tags which this window contains can be styled with css.
Create a marker/hotspot of type link and adding to a specific image at a specific position.
Above there is an image which represents a graphical representation of how a link type marker is created. The marker from the above image must be added (copy and paste) into the ul tag with the data-markers attribute, the order into which they are added does not matter. The marker data attributes are explained below:
- data-marker-type="link" - this represents the marker type, in this case it is link.
- data-marker-id="link1" - this represents the marker id, this id must be unique and it si used later when the marker is added over the image.
- data-reg-point="center" - this represents the marker registration point (the marker zoom point), this is a bit difficult to explain but it is easy to use, if you have a marker with a round shape set this option to center,if the marker has a pointer down set it to centerbottom or if the marker has a pointer up set it to centertop.
- data-marker-normal-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3.png" - this represents the path for the marker normal state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-selected-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3-rollover.png" - this represents the path for the marker selected state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-width="31" - the marker width, make sure that this has the exact width as the normal or selected image.
- data-marker-height="31" - the marker height, make sure that this has the exact height as the normal or selected image.
- data-tool-tip-label="External Link (the url and target can be specified)" - the tooltip label which appears when the marker is rolled over with the mouse.
- data-marker-url="http://www.google.com" - the url of the window which will be open when the markers is pressed.
- data-marker-target="_blank" - the target of the window which will be open when the markers is pressed (this can be _blank or _self).
Once the marker is created it must be added over an image of your choosing, this is done by adding (copy and paste) the marker into the ul tag with the attribute data-paylist, into the ul tag which contains the images paths, this is better illustrated in the below image.
As is illustrated in the above image the marker is added using its id and positioned using the data-marker-x and data-marker-y attributes, to find out the correct position of the marker over the image enable the showNavigator options like this showNavigator:"yes", (please read the constructor parameters section), this will show a white box which is containing information about the image position into the playlist and and x and y mouse position, move the mouse over the image on a spot where you want to add the marker, this way and x and y mouse position position can be found, it does not matter if the image is zoomed.
Please note that there can be more then one marker of the same type over an image, the process of creating and adding them is the same as explained above, below is an image which illustrate a possible scenario with three markers over an image.
Once all the markers are added don't forget to disable the heloper tool like this showNavigator:"no", (please read the constructor parameters section).
Create a marker/hotspot of type tooltip and adding to a specific image at a specific position.
Above there is an image which represents a graphical representation of how a tooltip type marker is created. The marker from the above image must be added (copy and paste) into the ul tag with the data-markers attribute, the order into which they are added does not matter. The marker data attributes are explained below:
- data-marker-type="tooltip" - this represents the marker type, in this case it is tooltip.
- data-marker-id="toolTipWindow1" - this represents the marker id, this id must be unique and it is used later when the marker is added over the image.
- data-marker-window-width="300" - the maximu tooltip window width.
- data-reg-point="center" - this represents the marker registration point (the marker zoom point), this is a bit difficult to explain but it is easy to use, if you have a marker with a round shape set this option to center,if the marker has a pointer down set it to centerbottom or if the marker has a pointer up set it to centertop.
- data-marker-normal-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3.png" - this represents the path for the marker normal state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-selected-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3-rollover.png" - this represents the path for the marker selected state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-width="31" - the marker width, make sure that this has the exact width as the normal or selected image.
- data-marker-height="31" - the marker height, make sure that this has the exact height as the normal or selected image.
Inside this marker where the "HTML content here!" is showed, HTML content can be added, please note that this type of window supports only a small chunk o HTML content so keep this in mind.
Once the marker is created it must be added over an image of your choosing, this is done by adding (copy and paste) the marker into the ul tag with the attribute data-paylist, into the ul tag which contains the images paths, this is better illustrated in the below image.
As is illustrated in the above image the marker is added using its id and positioned using the data-marker-x and data-marker-y attributes, to find out the correct position of the marker over the image enable the showNavigator options like this showNavigator:"yes", (please read the constructor parameters section), this will show a white box which is containing information about the image position into the playlist and and x and y mouse position, move the mouse over the image on a spot where you want to add the marker, this way the x and y position can be found, it does not matter if the image is zoomed.
Please note that there can be more then one marker of the same type over an image, the process of creating and adding them is the same as explained above, below is an image which illustrate a possible scenario with three markers over an image.
Once all the markers are added don't forget to disable the helper tool like this showNavigator:"no", (please read the constructor parameters section).
Create a marker/hotspot of type infowindow and adding to a specific image at a specific position.
Above there is an image which represents a graphical representation of how a infowindow type marker is created. The marker from the above image must be added (copy and paste) into the ul tag with the data-markers attribute, the order into which they are added does not matter. The marker data attributes are explained below:
- data-marker-type="infowindow" - this represents the marker type, in this case it is infowindow.
- data-marker-id="infoWindow2" - this represents the marker id, this id must be unique and it is used later when the marker is added over the image.
- data-reg-point="center" - this represents the marker registration point (the marker zoom point), this is a bit difficult to explain but it is easy to use, if you have a marker with a round shape set this option to center,if the marker has a pointer down set it to centerbottom or if the marker has a pointer up set it to centertop.
- data-marker-normal-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3.png" - this represents the path for the marker normal state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-selected-state-path="skin_round_silver/skin/marker3-rollover.png" - this represents the path for the marker selected state image, it can be a .png or .jpg file and it can have any size or shape.
- data-marker-width="31" - the marker width, make sure that this has the exact width as the normal or selected image.
- data-marker-height="31" - the marker height, make sure that this has the exact height as the normal or selected image.
- data-tool-tip-label-height="31" - the label for the tooltip which will appear when the marker is rollovered with the mouse.
Inside this marker where the "HTML content here!" is showed, HTML content can be added, please note that this type of window supports
unlimited HTML content so keep this in mind.
Once the marker is created it must be added over an image of your choosing, this is done by adding (copy and paste) the marker into the ul tag with the attribute data-paylist, into the ul tag which contains the images paths, this is better illustrated in the below image.
As is illustrated in the above image the marker is added using its id and positioned using the data-marker-x and data-marker-y attributes, to find out the correct position of the marker over the image enable the showNavigator options like this showNavigator:"yes", (please read the constructor parameters section), this will show a white box which is containing information about the image position into the playlist and and x and y mouse position, move the mouse over the image on a spot where you want to add the marker, this way the x and y position can be found, it does not matter if the image is zoomed.
Please note that there can be more then one marker of the same type over an image, the process of creating and adding them is the same as explained above, below is an image which illustrate a possible scenario with three markers over an image.
Once all the markers are added don't forget to disable the helper tool like this showNavigator:"no", (please read the constructor parameters section).
E) API - top
In this section the API (exposed methods) are explain, basically this are functions that can be called when pressing a html element (button, image etc) to controll the viewer. We provided a .html file called API.html for reference, open this file with a text editor. Below are listed all methods, they are self explanatory.
- pan(); - set the viewer in pan mode.
- rotate(); - set the viewer in rotate mode.
- rotateLeft(); - rotate viewer to the left.
- rotateRight(); - rotate viewer to the right.
- zoomOut(); - zoom in.
- zoomIn(); - zoom out.
- play(); - start slideshow.
- pause(); - pause slideshow.
- fullScreen(); - go full screen.
- normalScreen(); - go normal screen.
Because there are multiple devices with different operating systems this functions must be called based on the input type (touch, mice etc...), in the API.html file there is the complete code about how to add the events so that it will work correctly on all devices.
E) Sources and Credits - top
This component was made by Tibi from FWD (FWDesign) FLASH WEB DESIGN, for more information and support contact us at contact@webdesign-flash.ro
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this item. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions regarding this gallery and I'll do my best to assist.
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