A few things to keep in mind to effectively utilize Li-ion batteries:
Battery capacity usually sized between 20% and 35% less than lead acid (thanks to the opportunity charging capability, higher energy efficiency and less sensitivity to intensity peaks)
e.g. Lead acid battery is 575 Ah, then a 400 Ah Li-ion battery would do the job
Cycle life increases significantly if the battery is only partly discharged
e.g. 3,750 cycles for DoD 80%, ~10,000 cycles for DoD 40%...
Battery functionality, performance and expected life can be affected by low or high temperature
e.g. Heater option required in cold store applications
e.g. Expected life decreases at temperatures above 40 °C
e.g. Cooling system required at temperatures above 50 °C
Fast charging option (1 hr charger) may require specific power requirements
e.g. High Amp connector as well as a suitable electrical infrastructure in the building